
Asphalt driveways are known to be durable and long-lasting, but they are not immune to wear and tear. While regular maintenance like seal coating and crack repair is essential, it’s also important to clean your driveway as needed to keep it looking sharp. Consult the list below to learn some easy cleaning tactics that won’t damage your asphalt driveway.

How to Clean Your Asphalt Driveway Without Causing Damage

1. Clear Away Debris

asphalt drivewaysYou may not realize it, but organic matter can effect your driveway. As leaves and other debris decay, they release tannins that can leave brown stains on your driveway. Regularly sweep the debris to decrease concentrated spots of moisture that could cause stains and even lead to ice buildup or cracking in cold temperatures.

2. Scrub Grime With Dish Soap

A simple trick for everyday dirt buildup is to clean the asphalt with basic dish soap. Squirt the soap on grimy areas, add some water, and allow it to set for a few minutes to lift the dirt. Scrub the area with a brush and rinse it off to clean the asphalt.

3. Soak Up Spills

If you spill oil or liquid on your asphalt, always wipe or soak up as much as possible to prevent worse staining. After, sprinkle sawdust or cat litter onto the spot to further absorb any moisture below the surface. Keep it there overnight for full effectiveness.

4. Use Household Cleaners On Oil Stains

Simple household cleaners like powdered laundry detergent or baking soda are easy and affordable ways to remove stubborn oil stains from asphalt driveways. Sprinkle the powder on the area you want to clean and add a little water to moisten it. Allow it to sit for 15-30 minutes before scrubbing the area with a brush and rinsing it with water to get rid of unwanted stains.

5. Powerwash Every Year

When winter strikes, your driveway can become covered with caked-on mud or road salt. During the spring, use a power washer to give the asphalt a thorough cleaning. You can also try the high-pressure setting on a garden hose and scrubbing with a stiff-bristled push broom if you don’t have access to a power washer.


If your asphalt driveway needs more than a simple cleaning, contact the paving contractors at Decca Paving, Inc. in Rochester, NY. Providing the area with residential and commercial paving since 2001, this certified, licensed, and insured team knows how to get the job done right every time. To learn more about their services, visit their website or call (585) 279-0948 to get your free estimate today.