
Interactive teller machines (ITMs) are the ATMs of the future. Complete with a touchscreen, keypad, ITMs connect users with live bank tellers. In other words, they combine the convenience of an ATM with the functionality of an actual teller. While this is certainly advantageous for individuals, it’s especially helpful for businesses. Here are some of the biggest reasons to open your company's accounts at a bank that offers ITMs. 

3 Benefits of Doing Your Business Banking on an ITM

1. Extended Hours

ITMs allow customers to complete financial transactions with the help of tellers outside of normal business hours. That means if your shop’s hours happen to coincide with the bank’s, you can still make deposits, withdrawals, and payments as needed once you get off for the day. 

2. Painless Payments 

bankIf you’re wary of signing up for automatic bill pay but you can’t make it to the bank during the day, working with an institution that has ITMs could be the answer. The live teller will be happy to help you transfer funds, make deposits and submit payments for any installment loans the company has taken out, like car or small business loans. 

3. Quick Deposits 

Generally speaking, it’s unwise to keep more cash on site than you need to complete essential transactions. If your business deals with a lot of cash, though, mitigating risk will mean running to the bank several times a week and waiting in line just to deposit funds—unless you go to an ITM. The easy deposit function—which is available even when live tellers aren't—means you can prevent theft without planning your whole day around the bank’s business hours. 


At First State Bank of Russellville, you’ll find the resources of a major financial institution and the personalized attention of a small, local bank. Serving the River Valley in Arkansas, they have four full service offices throughout the area They also have ITMs with extended hours for total convenience. To learn more about all their business banking services, visit their website or call (479) 498-2400. 
