
A faulty furnace can lead to inefficient heating and skyrocketing utility bills. While HVAC repairs can help, you can spend countless dollars that often surpass the price of a replacement. Recognizing when it’s time to upgrade will yield the best results, so look for the following signs.

When to Replace Your Furnace

1. Increased Bills

If your utility bills suddenly rise, it means the furnace is using more energy than usual to heat your home. This can be due to parts breakdowns and damage. HVAC repairs can resolve slight damage, but larger issues often warrant a replacement. You’ll save money with a new unit and also reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Repeated Repairs

hvac-repairs-la-crosseFacing repair after repair is inconvenient and adds up quickly. You’re likely only delaying the inevitable, so invest in a new furnace before you waste more money. There are many energy-efficient models to explore that can lead to unexpected savings going forward. You’ll also increase home value, which is great if you plan on selling your property in coming years.

3. Unit Age

Like everything else, home and commercial furnaces have an end age. On average, they’ll last 15 to 20 years. The later years are often riddled with breakdowns and poor performance. If yours is nearing that mark, invest in a new unit. If you aren’t sure how old your furnace is, contact an HVAC repair professional to make an assessment.


If you’re ready to upgrade your commercial or residential furnace, contact Ron Hammes Refrigeration. This full-service company is proud to serve La Crosse, WI, and provides comprehensive HVAC repairs and installation. They can also fulfill all your commercial refrigeration needs and air conditioning services, which you can explore further on their website. Call (608) 788-3110 to schedule a tuneup, and connect with them on Facebook for more heating and cooling tips.
