
A toothache usually means a trip to the dentist. When you go, describe exactly what kind of pain you're experiencing. Varying types of tooth and mouth pain indicate different problems. Narrowing it down can help you get the right treatment or decide whether a visit to the dentist is necessary.

What Your Tooth Pain Tells You About Your Dental Health

1. Gum Pain

Tender, swollen gums are a sign of gum disease, a long-lasting condition that worsens over time without treatment. Gingivitis occurs at the early stages. The condition causes redness, swelling, and the gums to bleed easily. At this stage, thorough teeth cleaning and flossing can reverse the problem. If your gums are receding or pulling away from the teeth, you notice pus from below the gum line, or the pain is severe, you need a dentist's help.

2. Temperature Sensitivity

DentistIf you teeth ache when contacting hot or cold substances, the most common cause is worn enamel. If the pain is minor, you can address the problem by using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Severe pain or discomfort that lasts longer than a week might indicate a decayed or injured tooth, or infected or receding gums, which means you should see a dentist within the next few weeks.

3. Severe Throbbing Pain

This type of tooth pain is intense, isn't caused by temperature changes or pressure, and lingers no matter what you're doing. The most common culprit is a severe infection. If you experience this type of pain, you need to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible to prevent the infection from spreading.

4. Inconsistent Sharp Pain

If biting down, touching a tooth, or moving your mouth a certain way triggers a jabbing sensation, you have a damaged tooth. It may be decayed or cracked, or a previous filling or crown may have come loose. Make an appointment with your dentist quickly to prevent the issue from getting worse.

5. Constant Ache

If you have dull pain in one area of your mouth, you might simply have something stuck between your teeth. If flossing doesn't fix the issue, an abscessed tooth is a possibility, meaning there's a pocket of infection under or inside the tooth that needs treatment. If a wide area of your mouth is affected, you may be unconsciously grinding your teeth, causing jaw fatigue and pressure on your teeth, which creates a persistent soreness. Reducing stress during the day can help, or you may need to wear a night guard to keep yourself from grinding your teeth while you sleep.


If you're experiencing tooth pain, visit All Bright Dental in Mamaroneck, NY. Serving Westchester County, this full-service dental office is led by Dr. Gennadiy Kravets, who has over 15 years of experience. They provide general, cosmetic, and pediatric dentistry services. Call (914) 698-5228 for an appointment or learn more about their general and emergency services online.
