
When you head to the dealership for a new vehicle, you may have automatically crossed those with manual transmissions off your list. However, while automatic systems have become the norm, there are still many advantages to driving a “stick.” Use the following guide to learn why these transmission systems remain a popular and viable option.

Advantages of Driving a Stick Shift

One of the most practical benefits of driving a car with a manual transmission is that they can save you money. When you’re in control of how your vehicle shifts gears, you can boost its fuel efficiency by up to 15%. In addition to spending less at the pump, you can also save at the auto repair shop, since manual transmissions are less expensive to repair.

Many people choose cars with manual transmission systems because they’re more entertaining to drive. Since you’re in complete control, shifting gears allows you to feel more in tune with your vehicle, which is appealing to those who love the simple act of driving. 

Safety is a worthy concern as well. Instead of leaving both hands on the wheel or having one vulnerable to distractions, manual driving requires one hand on the stick and one on the wheel, so it’s easier to stay alert and focus on the safety of you and your passengers.

Operating a Manual Transmission

manual transmissionWhile it may take some practice to build the necessary muscle memory, driving a manual car is pretty simple. With the shifter in the neutral position, start by pressing down on the clutch pedal with your left foot, and make sure it’s floored. Then, turn the key in the ignition. With your right foot, press down on the brake, and move the gear shifter to first.

Once you take your foot off the brake, the car might start to move. As you slowly lift your left foot off the clutch and the car begins to roll, press the gas pedal lightly with your right foot. As you gain momentum, you’ll soon start to sense your car straining. When this happens, take your right foot off the gas while pressing the clutch with your left, then move the shifter to second. This process will be repeated as you move at greater speeds and shift to higher gears.


If you’re excited about driving a car with a manual transmission but want to ensure yours is in the best possible shape, take it to Quality Transmission Service of Anchorage, AK. They offer quality repairs and maintenance services for both automatic and manual systems as well as the clutch. To learn more about their trusted services, visit the website. Call (907) 561-8767 to request a free estimate and schedule an appointment. 
