
Having a tooth extracted by the dentist isn’t desirable, but sometimes it’s necessary. Though you may want to keep your permanent teeth and avoid changing your appearance, the health of your mouth and the rest of your body take precedence. Here are some common reasons you might need a tooth extraction.

The Most Common Reasons for Tooth Extractions

1. Damage & Decay

Regular visits to the dentist give your provider a chance to inspect your teeth for signs of decay or damage and treat the problem. If left untreated, decay can reach the center of your tooth, leading to a serious infection that can spread. Although a filling, root canal, or crown can save the tooth, sometimes the damage is so severe that extraction is the only option to prevent more widespread problems.

2. Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissue and bone surrounding the tooth. Although it’s usually treatable in its earliest stages—also known as gingivitis or a gum infection—advanced periodontal disease can cause your teeth to become loose. If the infection doesn’t respond to other treatments, extraction might be the only course of action.

3. Orthodontic Issues

Sometimes, teeth can be too large for the mouth, or the jawbone is too small, causing crowding, problems with the bite, and misaligned teeth. Extraction is sometimes necessary to relieve these issues, usually before braces are put on. Tooth extraction before braces gives the remaining teeth room to shift and realign, improving the results.

dentist4. Impacted Teeth

When a tooth is impacted, it means that it did not erupt from the gums as it should have. This is most common with the third molars, or wisdom teeth, and can cause pain, damage to other teeth, and infection. Unlike removing other teeth, taking out impacted teeth is usually a surgical process that requires anesthesia because they are difficult to access.

5. Abnormal Development

Although most children lose most of their baby teeth in elementary school, sometimes the baby teeth don't fall out when expected, preventing adult teeth from coming in as they should. When this happens, the dentist may remove the baby teeth to encourage the development of permanent ones and reduce the need for braces later.


Regular dental care keeps your teeth healthy and helps avoid tooth extractions. If you are looking for a dentist to keep your smile looking fantastic, or you’re having tooth trouble, contact the professionals at Timber Drive Dental in Rhinelander, WI. These experienced professionals offer general, preventative, and cosmetic dentistry with a focus on creating a comfortable and pleasant experience. Learn more about how their office can help by visiting their website, or schedule an appointment by calling (715) 365-1800.
