
If you’re a pizza lover who is looking for something new, there are countless topping combinations to try. Before you opt for a popular topping like pepperoni or mushroom, consider something more adventurous. You’ll find many out-of-the-box options available that put a truly unique spin on the dish that’s perfect for your next pizza night.

Unique Pizza Toppings to Sample

1. Pineapple

pizza-ocontoWhen people think of pizza, sweet fruits are often the last toppings on their minds. Pineapple, however, can be one of the best toppings for your pie. Also called “Hawaiian pizza,” pineapple is often paired with ham and served with traditional tomato sauce. It’s a popular blend of sweet and savory that’s been around since 1962.

2. Corned Beef

Do you want something a little heartier than pepperoni, ham, and sausage? Try corned beef on your pizza. This salt-cured beef has been a favorite meat across countless cultures because it’s affordable and delicious. The large-grain rock salt and beef texture go well with light tomato sauce. Try a creative combination like corned beef and cabbage. You can also try corned beef, Swiss cheese, and sauerkraut for a Rueben-style pizza.

3. Broccoli & Cauliflower

Would you like a vegetarian pizza with crunch and texture? Fresh broccoli and cauliflower will provide a flavorful option full of vitamin A. These veggies can be the primary or complementary toppings on any pie, and they will ensure you get plenty of nutrients from your meal. Try them raw and crunchy or steamed and soft alongside meats or other vegetables to create a medley.


Whether you’re in the mood for a unique pizza or a delicious meal, Wayne’s Family Restaurant has a mouth-watering menu to explore. Located in Oconto, WI, this award-winning restaurant serves a large selection of American food, including homemade specials, soups, burgers, and desserts. You’ll also find many unique gifts at their location. Explore their menu online, and call (920) 835-4262 to order carry-out.
