
With proper care, maintenance, and regular dentist visits, caring for your oral hygiene is a simple task. However, some everyday habits aren’t good for your oral health, and they can be quite damaging if continued. The next time you visit your dentist, talk to them if you observe yourself partaking in any of the following poor dental habits.

What Dental Habits Should You Avoid?

1. Skipping Flossing

It may be tempting to skip your flossing regimen after a long day, but this encourages the growth of bacteria between your teeth. Without regular flossing and removal of these food particles, you may develop decay and cavities – particularly to the molars in the back of your mouth. Even with regular brushing, you won’t be able to remove all of the bacteria thoroughly, so don’t forget to floss after brushing.

2. Brushing Too Hard

dentist Fort Thomas, KYWhile brushing is an integral part of your regular dental hygiene routine, scrubbing too hard can hurt your gums and harm your tooth enamel. If you notice bleeding or tender gums when brushing, or you have tooth sensitivity when eating or drinking hot and cold foods, try to reduce the amount of pressure you are using. Your dentist can also perform an examination to see if your gums or teeth show any signs of wear and tear, which can indicate underlying problems like gum disease.

3.  Treating Your Teeth as Tools

While your teeth are designed for chewing food, they are not strong enough to use as tools. Whether you’re trying to bite your nail, open a bottle, or hold items while looking for your keys, you need to avoid using your teeth for activities that don’t involve eating. In addition to causing fractures and chips to these teeth, you can also hurt your enamel as well.

4. Grinding Your Teeth

Teeth grinding typically occurs at night when you’re sleeping, but you can also fall into this habit during the day when you’re stressed out. Grinding your teeth can wear away your enamel and expose the sensitive inner dentin layer of your tooth. Your dentist can evaluate the severity of your case and provide you with a nightguard, if needed, to deter this habit.


For superior oral health services that can help the entire family, individuals in Fort Thomas, KY, trust the professionals at Pfeiffer Family Dentistry. For more than 35 years, these dentists on staff have provided the services your family needs most, whether searching for preventative or diagnostic options. To learn more about dental habits that could be jeopardizing your smile, visit Pfeiffer Family Dentistry online or call (859) 441-1900 today.
