
As the colder months approach, you should consider preparing your swimming pool for the winter weather. In addition to taking steps to protect and care for this water fixture, you should think of safety concerns as well. The following tips can help you protect your family from injuring themselves in or around your pool in the winter.

How to Keep Your Yard Safe Throughout the Winter

1. Invest in a Winter Pool Cover

Using a soft vinyl cover for your swimming pool is sufficient for the summer, but you need a sturdier material when the water starts to freeze. Get a cover that has been molded out of canvas to form a hard shell over the water, with straps to hold it in place. If someone does fall, they will land on the hard canvas shell instead of falling directly into the water.

2. Don’t Walk on Frozen Water

While your child may want to play on the icy surface, this is highly dangerous as the water may not be frozen solid. Even a small child may be heavy enough to crack the surface of the ice and fall through to the cold water beneath, risking hypothermia and possibly drowning. 

3. Restrict Access

swimming poolIf you leave the area open, children and teens may be tempted to try to go for a swim. However, the cold water can be dangerous, and unsupervised access can be a liability. If there is a fence guarding the area, secure it with a lock. By making it harder to access, they’ll be less likely to try to go for a swim in the freezing water. You can always unlock the gate to allow pool cleaning service technicians access as needed, but keeping the gate locked throughout the winter will minimize the likelihood of an accident.

4. Conduct Regular Inspections

It may be easy to forget about your swimming pool when you’re not using it, but you should make a habit of conducting a visual inspection. At least once a week, you should walk around the area to ensure the lock on the gate is still in place, and the cover is secure. If you suspect someone has been accessing the pool, you may have to take stronger measures. This may involve adding additional locks or removing items that could help people climb over your fencing.


As the colder months draw near, you may need the help of a company that winterizes swimming pools. Located in Washington, CT, Distinctive Swimming Pools can renovate, repair, or help you care for your pool all year round. To learn about the full range of services they offer, visit their website. To speak with a customer service representative, call them at (860) 868-3622.
