
If any of your teeth are chipped, misshapen, discolored, or unevenly spaced, your dentist may recommend veneers. However, you may wonder whether the procedure is right for you, due to there being various cosmetic dental procedures to aid in improving your smile. To help you make the best choice, here’s what you need to know about dental veneers and how they’re inserted. 

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin coverings placed over the visible part of a tooth to improve the tooth’s appearance. They are made of either porcelain or composite resin material. A porcelain veneer consists of a thin shell custom-made to fit your tooth, while a composite resin veneer consists of a tooth-colored filling material bonded to your tooth. Your dentist will help you decide which type of veneer is best for you. In general, porcelain veneers are stronger and last longer, though composite resin veneers cost less and require fewer visits to insert. 

How Are Dental Veneers Inserted? 

veneersBefore you get veneers, your dentist will ensure your teeth and gums are healthy enough for the procedure. Then, the dentist will prepare your tooth by removing a small amount of enamel from the tooth’s surface. You may choose to have the area numbed with a local anesthetic first.

Next, if you’ve chosen composite resin veneers, the dentist will bond the composite material to your tooth, harden the bond using a special light, and polish the tooth. If you’ve chosen porcelain veneers, your dentist will make a mold of the prepared tooth and send it to a lab to custom-make the veneers, which may take anywhere from several days to a month. Once your veneers arrive, they’ll be placed on your teeth, adjusted, cleaned, and bonded. You might need to return for a follow-up visit to make sure the veneers fit properly. Resume your usual at-home dental care process, and alert the dentist if your teeth become sensitive while brushing or flossing.  


If you’re considering dental veneers, turn to Pure Dental Care in New York City. At their beautiful, state-of-the-art office, Dr. Nazia Ahmed and her experienced team provide gentle, personalized dental care to ensure each visit is as stress-free as possible. In addition to dental veneers, they offer a wide variety of other procedures such as teeth whitening, implants, and crowns. Explore their services on their website, and call (212) 256-1292 to schedule an appointment today. 
