
Sick, dead, or dying trees are not only unsightly, but they also pose a severe risk to people, property, and other healthy plants nearby. Even if the next storm doesn’t send a dead tree crashing onto your house, broken limbs can cause injuries and massive property damage. Because the risk is so pressing, you should schedule immediate tree removal if you notice any of the following signs.

How to Tell You Need Immediate Tree Removal

1. Dead Limbs

You can usually spot large, dead limbs from the ground, although the task is harder in the winter when all the branches are bare. If a limb or section of the tree doesn’t have many leaves and you don’t see fresh buds at the end, the branch is likely dead. Even if the tree is healthy, these dead branches can quickly come off in the wind, so you should remove them right away.

2. Cracks, Cavities, & Flaking

As a tree dies, the bark that tree removalprotects the trunk will start to peel and flake away, exposing the wood underneath the rot and pests. If large cracks mark the bark or it is peeling away entirely, the tree will likely need removal. Large cavities in the trunk indicate the tree is structurally unsound, potentially presenting a critical risk to anyone walking by.

3. Sudden Leaning

Most trees don’t grow straight up, but a sudden lean is a sign of a significant problem, especially after a storm. A sudden change in orientation normally designates a sick, weak root system that can’t anchor the tree into the soil anymore.

4. A Hollow Trunk

Sometimes, rot and animal activity completely hollow out the trunk, leaving the outside surface to support the weight of the tree. Hollowed-out trunks are fragile and can crack at any time, which is why you should call a tree removal service immediately.


If you have dead trees looming over your property, the professionals at Tackett Tree Experts have the training and tools to take them down quickly and safely. Their certified tree removal experts have been serving Montgomery County, OH, since 1957, successfully tackling projects of every size. To request an estimate for tree removal and schedule a service, visit their website or call (937) 890-2140.
