
Today, most farmers and ranchers dry their grains to earn higher yields by preventing crop loss and spoilage. Many rely on propane to fuel their dryers and minimize moisture content. If you use another type of fuel for this application, here is some insight into why this option is the best choice for this critical job.

Why Propane Is Ideal for Grain Drying 

1. Higher BTU

BTU refers to the British Thermal Unit, which is a measure of heat energy. One gallon of propane provides up to 91,000 BTU of heat, which is higher than many other options. This means propane promotes more efficient drying, and you will need less fuel to heat your grain, reducing costs.

2. Onsite Fuel Storage

It’s easy to store propane onsite for grain drying. Simply install tanks on your property to hold the fuel. Keep these containers away from trees that could potentially fall on them or heat sources that could pose fire hazards. 

3. No Contamination Riskpropane

The goal of grain drying is to preserve the product. Farmers wouldn’t use this process if it placed their crops at risk. Because propane is a gas, it cannot form puddles or spill out to contaminate the materials. It’s also nontoxic, water-soluble, and has a low carbon content. Not only does this ensure the quality of your grain, but it also helps make your farming processes more eco-friendly. 

4. Wide Availability

People can use propane for cooking, home heating, and vehicle fuel. Because there are many uses for this gas, it is readily available in large quantities. You can have it delivered to your property whenever your tank needs a refill, which is convenient if you have a busy schedule. 


Farmers in Mid-Wisconsin interested in propane should contact Allied Cooperative in Adams, WI, for fuel delivery. The co-op has been in the industry since 1918, catering to homes, businesses, and agricultural operations. Whether you need fuel oil, fertilizer, or auto parts, they’ll be happy to assist you. Visit their website for more information on their many types of fuel or call (800) 247-5679 to schedule a delivery. 
