
If your knuckles have ever cracked or your knees or elbows have popped, you’ve experienced a phenomenon that countless others have. A lot of rumors surround popping joints. Regardless of whether it’s done intentionally or unintentionally, you should understand when it’s normal or possibly a symptom of something else so that you can tell your primary care provider.

Your Guide to Popping Joints

Why Do They Pop?

Joint cracking and popping can be subtle or loud and concerning, but it’s something people experience every day. Joints can make noise for several possible reasons. Lighter, repeated clicking can be related to tight muscles rubbing against the bone during repetitive exercises like running. Knuckle cracks occur when nitrogen gas escapes spaces in the joints.

primary care providerIs It Arthritis?

It’s a common misconception that cracking your knuckles and joints is bad for you; it won’t cause arthritis. However, the tight muscles and tendons that contribute can be an early symptom of arthritis. This means that the cartilage is wearing down between your joints, and the bones are rubbing together.

Should You See a Doctor?

You should contact your primary care provider if joint popping is ever accompanied by pain. It may mean that a tendon or ligament is torn or strained in some cases. When bones rub together, it can also create discomfort and lead to swelling and limited range of motion. If you catch it early, a doctor can treat these symptoms and conditions.


If you have concerns over joint pain or are overdue for a checkup, turn to a primary care provider at Delhi Internal Medicine. This Cincinnati, OH, practice is backed by 55 years of combined experience and treats a wide scope of conditions. These health care professionals treat anxiety and depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a number of other issues that you can explore online. Call (513) 347-3302 to schedule a checkup, and connect on Facebook for more health tips.
