
While pregnancy is one of the most joyous parts of many people’s lives, it can be challenging to achieve. When you are trying to get pregnant, there can be many obstacles to overcome. Many women who suffer from hypothyroid, a condition where you have an underactive thyroid gland, have trouble conceiving. Luckily, there are several ways to treat this condition, which has only recently began to be thoroughly understood. 

The Connection Between Your Thyroid and Fertility

When you have hypothyroidism, it means that your thyroid gland is not producing the correct levels of several essential hormones. Low levels of these hormones can affect your fertility by stopping eggs from being released by your ovum. Additionally, many diseases that lead to low thyroid function, like autoimmune or pituitary disorders, have other stressful effects on the body that can contribute to infertility. If you are trying to get pregnant and you suffer from hypothyroidism, it’s essential to speak with your doctor about getting your thyroid function back to acceptable levels through treatment.  

How Naturopathic Treatment Can Help 

hyperthyroid Issaquah, WAA naturopathic approach to infertility means taking a step back and looking at the issue comprehensively, taking lifestyle, diet, and mental health into account. Your naturopath will test you for several metrics, including thyroid, blood sugar, insulin, and hormone levels. They can then design a diet and exercise program that is tailored to helping your body regulate itself to the correct hormones levels, which will assist with releasing a healthy egg. This will usually involve tracking your cycle throughout the month, extensive nutritional guidelines, and checking for food or allergy sensitivities that may be affecting you. The body is a self-regulating, self-healing machine, and using diet and natural hormone enhancers is the most organic way to control your hypothyroidism and get your cycle back on track. 


At A Path to Natural Health in Issaquah, WA, naturopathic doctors Maura Scanlan and Emily Bender use homeopathy, acupuncture, and other holistic solutions to encourage your body to heal itself. Dr. Scanlan specializes in infertility issues and offers comprehensive gynecological exams, and in-depth, personalized treatment plans to tackle the causes, from hypothyroid to food sensitivity. Their caring professionals can also assist if you are interested in energizing B12 injections. For more information or to set up an appointment, call (425) 270-3047 or visit them online today. 
