
If you're finding cat urine outside the litter box, your furry friend may be spraying or marking these areas. This is different from just urinating in the wrong places because of poor training or because of medical problems that require a trip to the veterinarian. Spraying happens for specific reasons, and resolving the issue means identifying and addressing those reasons.

3 Reasons Cats Mark Areas In the Home

1. Conflict

Many animals spray to mark their territory. If you have multiple cats who are in conflict with each other, they're more likely to mark to warn each other. There are calming cat pheromone products on the market that will help soothe your cats and make them less likely to fight, so they won't feel so insecure and won't need to mark. Also, make sure there are separate food dishes and litter boxes for each cat, and plenty of toys and perches to minimize sources of conflict.

2. Mating

Cats that aren’t fixed, especially tomcats, spray to let others know they're available to mate. Spaying or neutering a cat while they're young can prevent this behavior. If the feline is sterilized later in life, they may continue to do it out of habit. Address this issue by training your furry friend or try using spray products that discourage them.

3. Stress

VeterinarianIf there are big changes around your home, such as a move, or if your cat needs to visit the veterinarian, they may start marking out of stress. Once again, soothing pheromones can help. Spray some in their crate before taking them to the veterinarian to soothe their nerves. Also, give your furry friend plenty of enrichment options around the home and play with them daily. This will help them relax and reassure them.



If your cat is still spraying, they may be having a health problem or they may need to be spayed or neutered. Take them to visit a veterinarian at Avon Animal Hospital in Livingston County, NY. Since 1965, they've offered skilled, compassionate care for your furry friends. They offer everything from pet surgery to boarding services. Call (585) 226-6144 to schedule an appointment or learn more about their services online.
