
Acne is a common condition where pores and spots on the skin become infected, inflamed, and painful. Some people may know why their skin is breaking out, while others may not. Here are some common reasons why breakouts can occur that aren’t family-related and how chemical face peels, better diet, and lifestyle changes can help you find relief. 

4 Common Reasons for Acne Breakouts 

1. Hormones 

Although many factors can affect breakouts and acne, hormones are likely the reason. High androgen levels, a hormone mostly linked to reproduction, can create oily skin. The oil glands in the skin may swell or enlarge, blocking oil and dead skin cells in the pores and leading to infection and acne. Chemical face peels may be an option in removing oil.

2. Stress

Although it’s not yet known exactly why stress can lead to acne breakouts, the correlation is well-known, particularly among people who get serious stress-related acne. Stress may lead to irregular hormone levels, lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and other symptoms that can aggravate acne as well. Stress management and sleep may ease acne symptoms. 

3. Diet 

chemical face peelStudies have shown a correlation between eating foods high in sugars and carbs, and increased acne. A change of diet can help people manage their acne and is shown to decrease oiliness of skin and severity and frequency of breakouts. Opt for fruits and vegetables, nuts, and fish, and avoid refined grains and carbs to help reduce acne flareups.

4. Makeup 

Regular makeup use can help people feel confident and hide blemishes, but it can contribute to breakouts and acne flareups as well. Makeup that is older than three months is also more likely to harbor harmful bacteria which can make acne breakouts worse and lead to infection. Opt for non-comedogenic, oil-free products, and throw out old cosmetics. Consider a chemical face peel to remove any long-lasting grime or makeup. 



If you’re affected by acne, no matter the cause, find relief through Lauren A. Daman, M.D., P.C. in Hartford, CT. From Botox® and scar removal to age spot treatment and chemical face peels, they have the tools and services you need to help you achieve clearer skin. To make an appointment, call (860) 246-3533 or visit their website to browse their services. 
