
For many people, coffee is an integral part of daily life. You likely drink it every day without considering the hundreds of years of history behind the beverage. The next time you sit down to a cup of Joe, think about the incredible tale of where it came from and how it came to be in your hand.

The History of Coffee

How It Began

Though no one is entirely sure where coffee first got its start, many people choose to believe its origins were in Ethiopia around the year 850. The story goes that a goat herder from Kaffa, named Kaldi, was in the highlands near an Abyssinian monastery. The goats began to act strangely, bleating loudly and dancing around. When he found a small shrub nearby adorned with bright red berries, he tried them, too, and felt the effects of their caffeine. He then reported it to the monastery, and the monks began making a drink out of it to stay alert through their evening prayers.

How It Took Over the World

coffeeAs many goods and discoveries did back then, news of the coffee bean and its effects made its way east. Cultivation spread to the Arabian Peninsula. Public coffee houses popped up in the area so that everyone could enjoy it. These places often had games and performers for patrons to enjoy, and people began to gather there to get their news.

Pilgrims visiting the holy city of Mecca brought the drink back to Europe, and by the 17th century, the beverage was popular there as well. Coffee houses became socializing centers despite the controversy surrounding the drink, as some religious people viewed it as the “bitter invention of Satan.” As it became more commonplace, however, and Pope Clement VIII gave it papal approval, its renown continued to spread at a rapid pace. The British brought it to the New World in the 1600s, and today there are plantations all over the world to satisfy the ever-increasing demand.


Today, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as a cup of coffee and some classic American food. Get your fix at Belgian Waffle & Pancake House in Branson, MO. Though they are famous for their Belgian waffles, they have a full breakfast and lunch menu with the finest ingredients. See their menu online, and call (417) 334-8484 with any questions. No reservations are required to dine.
