
Trivia questions are challenging, no doubt, but selecting a name for your team may be the hardest question to answer. The name you decide upon will go down in history, your opponents’ grandkids and great-grandkids will speak the very name—well, probably not, but it’s still pretty important to choose a name that’s as clever as it is unforgettable. Here are three tips to help you and your cohorts brainstorm the perfect team name. 

3 Tips for Creating an Awesome Team Name

1. Make It Original

Your team name should be unexpected. Stay away from boring names that put the obvious on display, such as the name of your town or the pub. Your team name should be as unique as the group of individuals that comprise it. Pair words that generally don’t go together or twist puns around into something funny, such as “The Smarty Pints” or “Whiskey Business.”

2. Make It Evergreen

TriviaBasing your name around current pop culture or media trends may score you some creativity points for now, but it’ll sound tired and dated next year. For example, if you base your team name on something that’s happened within the last month, there’s a chance the joke or meaning will become lost if the event proves to be ultimately unmemorable. Instead, reach for older pop culture references that have withstood the test of time, such as “Rum Forrest Rum” and “Never Gonna Quiz You Up.” 

3. Make It Relevant

Use your team’s name to send a message. Not just to your opponents but your teammates, too. Tie your name to your team members’ common interests or goals. This helps foster team pride and spirit. If you can make it funny, that’s even better. 


Looking for new venues for you and your team of trivia rock stars? Check out Gilly’s Sports Bar in Dunwoody/Atlanta, GA. The pub’s popular trivia nights are every Tuesday at 7 p.m. In between questions, treat yourself to a plate of wings or enjoy a slice of their signature multi-layer chocolate cake. Visit their website to see their full menu and events schedule or call them today with any questions at (770) 817-2789.
