
Whether you’re engaging in cardiovascular exercise, strength training, or participating in a sporting event, your body is losing liquid as it exerts energy. Moisture loss occurs from sweating as well as breathing, and the process can result in dehydration if you don’t drink enough water. Learn why hydration is essential to exercise and how much of the vital liquid to consume before, during, and after working out.

What Should I Know About Water & Working Out?

How Water Benefits The Body

Without sufficient hydration, your muscles and joints are not receiving the lubrication they need to operate at the highest level. Losing as little as 2% body fat through sweating results in a blood volume drop that makes the heart work extra hard to pump blood. You may subsequently feel dizzy or sluggish when experiencing dehydration during exercise. Nausea, fast heartbeat, dry mouth, and muscle cramps can also occur. Staying hydrated, in comparison, keeps the heart working efficiently so more oxygen and nutrients get delivered to your muscles.

waterDrinking enough water also regulates your body temperature so you don’t overheat. This is especially important when you’re active in the summer. A cooler body is less susceptible to heatstroke and other heat-related illnesses.

How Much To Drink When Exercising

As a general rule, drink between 17 and 20 ounces of water two to three hours before working out. Starting your exercise regimen with a hydrated body prevents fast dehydration and muscle cramps among other problems. Drink at least 8 ounces of the liquid 20 to 30 minutes before your workout and 7 to 10 ounces every 10 to 20 minutes during the routine. Once your workout or sporting event is over, drink a minimum of 8 ounces no later than 30 minutes after.

Keep factors that affect these numbers in mind, such as your current Body Mass Index (BMI) and gender. Men typically sweat more than women due to increased body hair, while those with higher BMIs also lose more water because of the extra weight. Use a hydration calculator to determine the precise quantity of water your body needs. 


Stay hydrated with help from Water Wagon, the water delivery service keeping residents throughout the Fairbanks North Star Borough of Alaska hydrated for over 30 years. Specializing in reliable same-day service, this BBB-accredited company fills tanks ranging from 100 to 4,000 gallons. Call the family-owned company today at (907) 479-4499 to schedule a delivery, or learn more about them online.
