
While the Meatless Monday concept has stayed in the public eye since 2003, its use dates back to the First World War. And, although Meatless Mondays were originally all about the war effort, it now serves as a way to help your health and the planet. Here, learn why going meatless on Monday is something worth considering whether you are cooking at home or dining at your favorite restaurant.

What Benefits Can I Expect From Eliminating Meat From My Diet on Mondays?

1. Improved Digestion

Meat, especially beef and other red animal flesh, requires serious digestive powers. Animal proteins take longer for the body to break down while also negatively affecting gut bacteria. Research indicates it can increase bile production to promote inflammation and intestinal diseases.

2. Better Heart Health

restaurant-atlanta-gaThe less animal products you consume, the more you will protect your heart. Diets high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats such as olive oil reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke compared to diets high in red meat and dairy. Plant-based diets are also believed to reduce the risk of other diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cancer.

3. More Energy

Since consuming plant-based foods doesn’t tax the digestive system the way meat does, you’ll enjoy more energy after home and restaurant meals. You may even feel physically lighter because your body isn’t processing meat for days at a time.

4. Weight Management

Vegetarians and vegans often weigh less than their meat-eating counterparts because they are consuming fewer calories and bad fats such as saturated and trans fat. A large end rib roast of beef, for example, contains 300 calories. Vegetables, in comparison, are low in calories and high in fiber to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

5. Reduced Carbon Footprint

The environmental impact of the meat industry is staggering. Precious sections of the Amazon Rainforest are cut down to provide grazing for cattle, and that’s in addition to the greenhouse gases produced from transporting livestock and the resulting meat all over the world. If you choose a veggie burger over a meat burger every Monday for a year, for example, it would save the same amount of GHG emissions that 10 billion charged smartphones produce.


If Meatless Mondays appeal to you, enjoy selecting from a wide array of vegetarian options from Sufi Kitchen in Atlanta, GA. The restaurant conveniently located between Buckhead and Midtown offers a tantalizing Persian-inspired menu that always satisfies. Call this restaurant today at (404) 888-9699 to make a reservation or review the menu online. Like the Facebook page for more information on vegetarian diets and Persian food.
