
Spay and neuter services are a crucial part of keeping pets healthy. It’s one of the first steps that new pet owners are recommended to take. To ensure a positive outcome, it’s crucial to follow aftercare guidelines. Below, you’ll find some of the most important ones.

Spay & Neuter Recovery Tips

1. Rest

Your pet will be groggy after they leave the spay/neuter clinic, so have a comfortable place for them to rest. Try to limit activity, as running and scurrying about can tear stitches or cause surgical glue to loosen. If needed, confine the pet to a small room or crate to reduce activity if needed.  Bumping the surgical site can be painful, and any scratches could lead to infection.

Pamper your pet throughout the day. Sit with them and provide plenty of love while they rest. Give them a bed or a comfortable place on the couch. Also, add a favorite blanket and keep the noise down so they can relax. Ensure that your pet in recovery is isolated from any other pets in the home.  The general recovery period is 7 to 10 days.  If your pet is a cat, ensure they stay indoors during the recovery period.  If your pet is a dog, leash walk them out to use the bathroom, then right back into the house to rest during their recovery period.

2. Monitor the Surgical Site 

You’ll need to keep the surgical site clean. Moisture could dissolve the stitches or surgical glue holding the incision together. Avoid bathing them for at least 10 days, and make sure your pet doesn’t lick the site. Also, monitor the incision closely. Look at the incision the first day your pet returns home, and twice daily during the 7-10 day recovery period. Monitor for redness, swelling, or foul odor and/or discharge.  If you observe anything unusual during your pet’s recovery, contact the spay/neuter clinic or your veterinarian right away.

3. Maintain Their E-Collar (or “Cone”)

You’ll need to ensure that your pet wears their e-collar (otherwise known as “cone” or “Elizabethan cone”) for 7-10 days.  The first 24 hours with the cone can be an adjustment, just be patient.  Your pet should not have any issues eating, but if he/she has difficulty, raise your pet’s food and water bowls by placing a second bowl underneath them.

When you need spay or neuter services for your pet, contact Nutmeg Spay/Neuter Clinic. We’ve conducted over 32,000 spay/neuter procedures in Fairfield County, CT. We also provide pet vaccination services, which you can learn about on our website. Call (203) 690-1550 to schedule an appointment, and connect on Facebook for more health tips.
