
Has your child recently found out that they need to wear glasses? Some children have a hard time adjusting to the idea of wearing corrective lenses at school and at home, even if it will have a positive impact on their health. If you’re having a difficult time getting your child to wear glasses, consider the following four ways you can make eyewear more appealing to them.

How to Make Your Child Excited About Glasses

1. Talk to Your Child

If the eye doctor has recommended your child wear glasses, have a discussion with your child about why this is important for their vision and academic performance. Talk to them about what could potentially happen if they do not wear their glasses, such as headaches and eye strain, and how their new eyewear can make it easier for them to perform well in school and keep up with their classmates.

2. Make Your Child Part of the Decision

glassesHelp your child worry less about the aesthetic aspect of their eyewear by including them in the decision-making process. This means allowing them to choose the color and style of frames they like best. Allowing them to play a role in this decision will help them feel more invested in their new eyewear.

3. Show Your Child Examples

Another easy way to help your child feel better about wearing glasses is to show them high-profile individuals that wear them too. Find celebrities, such as actors, musicians, or athletes that have eyewear to show them it’s perfectly normal and you can still be successful and “cool” while wearing glasses.

4. Build Up Their Confidence

Help your child adjust to wearing glasses by easing them into it, little by little each day. Start with 15 minutes at home when they first get their new eyewear, and increase this time slowly so your child can develop confidence when wearing them. This also allows them to adjust to the physical feel of their new glasses at a comfortable pace.



If your child is ready for glasses, visit the optometrists at Cohen’s Fashion Optical in New York, NY. Since 1927, this company has been dedicated to meeting the vision care needs of individuals in the surrounding communities, including stylish frame options from top designers like Michael Kors®, Ray-Ban®, and Versace®. To learn more about how Cohen’s Fashion Optical can help you get your child excited about vision solutions, visit them online or call (212) 769-1410.
