
When you’ve decided to renovate your home, it’s exciting to think about how the changes will enhance your future. However, you’ll also need to consider how remodeling will affect your home life while it’s in progress. If you have pets, they might be frightened or even in harm’s way during construction. To minimize the discomfort of your dog or cat, take advantage of the following tips.

3 Pet Safety Tips for Home Remodeling Projects

1. Microchip Them

In a quick trip to the veterinarian, you can ensure your lost pet will always be returned to you, even if they lose their ID tag or collar. Embedding a rice-sized microchip, or radio-frequency identification transponder, under your pet’s skin essentially gives them a tag they can’t lose.

If they’re found, they can be taken to a vet and scanned, which will bring up an ID number that corresponds to your contact information. Since pets can get skittish and try to escape during a remodel, microchipping is an excellent way to ensure their return.

2. Remove Them From the House

remodelingIf your pet is particularly sensitive to the noises and vibrations of remodeling, you might want to temporarily remove them from the house. Whether you board them at the vet or keep them with a friend or family member, most pets will be more comfortable and safer when out of the way. Cats are especially anxious in response to changes in their environment, so it might be better to bring them back when the work is done.

3. Prepare a Safe Space

If you decide to keep your pet at home, dedicate a quiet, safe space for them. For example, cats might enjoy staying in your bathroom, while dogs might do best in the mudroom with access to the backyard. Wherever you keep them, pet-proof the area by ensuring all electrical wires are out of reach. You can also make their stay more comfortable by bringing their toys, beds, and favorite blankets into the new space.


If you’re excited to get started on your new remodeling project, turn to Homeworks Construction of Honolulu. With their over 20 years of industry experience, you can trust they’ll consider every detail of your home improvement, including your pets. To learn more about their wide range of construction services, visit the website, or call  (808) 955-2777 to arrange for a meeting.
