
Tooth loss can cause discomfort, inhibit the ability to chew, and make one feel self-conscious. However, dentists can help to restore your smile by creating custom dental bridges. Below is a little more information about what bridges are, how they can be customized, and what you can do to keep your bridge in great condition. 

How Do Dental Bridges Work?

While dentures are designed to replace an entire periodontal arch, dental bridges may replace one or more teeth. The two main varieties of bridges are fixed and removable bridges.

Fixed bridges can contain a row of false teeth that are connected to the smile with two crowns on either side. These are cemented to your healthy teeth. Some bridges may consist of a single crown attached to a pontic, or false tooth, on one or both sides. Fixed bridges can also be connected to dental implants, which are fused with the underlying bone tissue to create strong and stable support for false teeth. 

Removable bridges are metal and acrylic frameworks much like orthodontic retainers that hold false teeth. These bridges snap into and out of the smile, giving users the ability to brush and floss when they need to. 

Bridges are customized for each person and can either be made to transform the look of your teeth or to blend into your smile seamlessly. Color, shape, and tooth texture can be carefully matched to ensure your comfort and to protect your appearance. 

How Can You Take Care of Your Prosthetics? 

dentists Like normal teeth, bridges need to be brushed and flossed to keep them in prime condition. If you have a fixed bridge, you may have a more difficult time brushing or flossing around the prosthetic, since they can contain metal components that attach to other teeth. In these instances, you may want to use an oral irrigator to get into the tight spaces around your teeth. 

Patients with dental bridges should also maintain close contact with their dentist to report any new issues that occur with their smile. Damage to bridges, issues with soreness, or problems with the supportive teeth may be cause to adjust or replace the prosthetic. Bring your bridge along with you to your dentist’s office during check-ups so they can check how well it is fitting. 


Whether you have recently lost a tooth or you have been living with tooth loss for years, James Julien DDS in Kenai, AK, can help. In addition to offering dental bridges and implants, this trusted dentist can also help with crowns, veneers, and tooth-saving procedures like root canals. Give his office a call at (907) 283-4857 if you are due for a dental appointment. Visit his website to check out his list of services. 
