
No basement is completely safe from flooding, and it’s one of the most common causes of property damage in the country. Some of the most frequent reasons for flooding include gutter issues and slope-grading problems in the surrounding yard, but most instances can be linked to severe weather and storms. Whether it’s storm damage repairs or flooding from something else, here are a few basic guidelines for getting your basement back to working order. 

3 Ways to Restore Your Basement After a Flood

1. Assess the Situation for Risks

Flooded basements can be dangerous places. If the water level has reached any of the electrical outlets, there is a risk of electrocution to anyone touching the water. If you have gas-powered appliances in the basement, there can also be the risk of lines leaking dangerous fumes. Before a professional enters the flooded area, shut off the electricity and the gas main. This is especially important in the case of storm damage repairs, where the rest of the house may also be damaged.

2. Remove the Water 

storm damage repairWhen the water leak is small, excess water can be vacuumed out. If the storm damage repairs involve more than a foot of water, however, call a professional water removal or restoration company. Professionals will understand how to remove the water without causing damage or deterioration to your foundation.

3. Ventilate the Area Well

It’s important to remove the water and ventilate the affected areas as soon as possible to avoid the speedy growth of mold and mildew. Once the water is gone, open as many windows as possible to air out the space. Run several fans to help the air circulate, and if possible, leave a dehumidifier on or several days. Industrial fans and dehumidifiers are often available to rent from a local equipment store. 


Bulldog Contractors in Minnesota, Colorado, or Texas can help your family or business recover from storm damage. From total build restoration to insulation and roofing, they’ll work hard to get your property back to its original condition. Call (612) 799-8707 in Minnesota or (303) 991-2487 in Colorado to schedule an inspection for storm damage repairs, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
