
Athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis, is a common fungal condition that occurs when there is a buildup of sweat inside of tightly fitting shoes. While it can be uncomfortable and unsightly, a foot specialist will be able to treat even the most severe cases rather easily. Before scheduling an appointment with a podiatrist, be aware of the causes of this condition, ways to prevent it, and critical indicators that can help you identify it.

What Is It?

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that grows between your toes and can spread to your toenails. Symptoms include red, dry skin, burning or prickling pain, itching, cracked or peeling skin around the toes and the side of the foot, and blisters that may develop a hard layer or leak fluid. If it spreads into the nails, it can cause the toenails to become thicker, discolored, and flaky. If you experience fever, swelling, severe pain, or the physical symptoms don’t go away after a few weeks of over-the-counter treatments, contact a foot specialist or urgent care physician as soon as possible, as it may be a severe bacterial infection.

What Causes It?

foot specialist Cleveland, OHThis fungus grows on the skin in warm, moist places, which is why it commonly starts between the toes. You can catch athlete’s foot through direct contact with a foot that has the fungus, or it can be transferred through footwear and specific surfaces, especially damp ones like showers, pool decks, and used socks. If you’ve had athlete’s foot before, you’re more likely to get it again, so it’s critical to follow preventative measures to keep it from flaring up again.

How Can It Be Prevented?

Since it thrives in wet and warm environments, avoid excessive sweating, wearing wet footwear (socks or shoes), and walking barefoot on wet surfaces. The fungus’s spores can be transferred through dirt and water, so wear shoes in public places like pools, wash your feet as needed, and keep your nails trimmed. If you’ve had athlete’s foot before, your podiatrist will likely give you instructions to follow to prevent it from returning, such as using foot powders or anti-fungal creams, wearing breathable socks and shoes, and watching for symptoms that indicate an onset of the condition.


Are you battling athlete’s foot or other foot-related issues? The foot specialists in the office of Dr. Eric D. Trattner in Cleveland, OH, have over 30 years’ experience as podiatrists and foot surgeons. He and his friendly staff operate a clean, advanced facility that offers innovative nail fungus treatments, like Clearanail®, which is more effective at killing athlete’s foot of the nail than topical treatments. They also provide in-office hammertoe corrections without pins or stitches, and their comfortable office will make you feel at home and at ease before any procedure. View a full list of their services online, and call (440) 333-5350 for an appointment today.
