
Moving to your first apartment can be an exciting experience, as you’ll finally have more privacy and space to spread out. To ensure a seamless transition, jot down all of the steps you must accomplish in anticipation of the move. Adding the following tasks to your to-do list will ensure nothing falls through the cracks. 

Moving to Your First Apartment? 4 Tips for the Transition

1. Get Rid of Unwanted Items & Organize Everything Else 

Without proper packing, the new apartment could fill up with clutter quickly. That’s why you should sort items into piles. Broken and damaged belongings that aren’t salvageable should end up in a pile for trash collection. Anything you haven’t used in years and don’t plan to use in the near future should be donated to charity. To minimize headaches and confusion when unpacking later, place items you plan to keep for the new place in moving boxes, sorted by room. 

2. Set Up Utilities & Mail Service

movingGoing without light, heat, air conditioning, or water for even one night can be a major inconvenience. To ensure this doesn’t happen, have utilities in the new apartment turned on a day or two before the move-in date. You should also file a change of address with the post office. This way, your mail won’t have to be forwarded from the old residence. 

3. Have Extra Keys Made

At some point, you might lose keys or accidentally lock yourself out of the apartment. To prepare for the situation if it ever does arise, have extra sets of keys made. You can leave one set in a safe place at the new apartment and another for a trusted friend to hold onto for you. This could also come in handy if there isn’t a landlord or superintendent on-site to help you gain access to the building or unit. 

4. Give the New Space a Thorough Cleaning 

In the process of moving out, the previous tenant might have hastily cleaned or foregone the process altogether. Before you take items out of moving boxes, vacuum the carpet, wash floors, wipe down the counters, and clean inside the cabinets. This will leave your belongings grime-free and help you feel more comfortable in the new space.


If you are moving within Colorado or planning an out-of-state relocation, the professional movers at Checkmate Moving and Storage in Highlands Ranch are available to help. In addition to transporting your items safely, they also provide packing services to reduce the risk of damage and will store items temporarily if needed. To learn more about the moving and storage solutions that the company offers, call (303) 346-6683 or visit them online. Follow them on Facebook for more tips to help you take the stress out of relocating. 
