
Getting a head-start on reading delivers a valuable advantage for preschool and kindergarten-age children. From decreasing stress to increasing excitement about first grade, early reading opens up a world of fulfillment, fun, and enrichment. Here are some guidelines to help along the way.  


Focus on phonics.

Introducing preschoolers to phonics—the basic relationships between letters and sounds—creates a foundation for success. Invite your child to make the “noise” of a letter while tracing its shape. Use letter magnets, charts, flashcards, and even apps to make it fun. Then, have them put sounds to letters while writing them.

Read together.

preschoolReading to a child is a priceless experience, but try turning that book around and having your child follow along. Read slowly using your finger to track the words. Then have your child do the pointing as they follow the sentences on the page. Soon, they’ll begin making associations that accelerate their skill development.

Harness the magic of music.

The rhythm and rhymes of songs strengthen phonemic awareness, which is the ability to hear and use the sounds that form words. As kids sing lyrics, they quickly develop a connection to the flow and mechanics of language. Reinforce their associations by having them follow along with an easily scannable lyric sheet.


Overdo it.

Children can seem tireless, especially when doing something they enjoy. Even if your kid wants to practice his letters and reading skills for hours, make sure to keep sessions short, preferably fifteen minutes or less. Allow enough time to pass between lessons to rejuvenate and assimilate learning.

Ignore the power of storytelling.

Reading is a tool, while understanding written information is the goal. Don’t neglect the power of out-loud storytelling to get there faster. Invite your child to make up stories that you write down as they go along. Then go over the transcription using the tips above. You’ll be amazed how proudly they follow along with their creation and sharpen their skills.

Become impatient.

There will be ups and downs as you help a preschool child start reading. Attention spans are short. Energy comes and goes. They may not remember or progress as quickly as you expect. Don’t worry about it. Your patience gives them a huge advantage when it comes to getting ready for school.


Excited about giving your child a jump on success in preschool, kindergarten, and beyond? Schedule a consultation with the respected team at Wake Village Playskool. Their experts have delivered exceptional school preparation throughout the Greater Wake Village, TX, area since 1977. They also offer trusted day-care services for your convenience and peace of mind. Call them at (903) 838-5424 to learn more or explore their website for details about all of their services. 
