
It’s well known that smoking can lead to cancer, lung complications, and countless other health issues. However, one overlooked area that can also be affected is the eyes. Gradually, smoking can lead to decreased vision and even blindness. It’s necessary to understand the effects so you can work with your eye doctor to preserve your health. Here’s what you should know. 

The Effect of Smoking on the Eyes

1. Cataracts

Studies show that smokers are three times more likely to develop cataracts. These deposits build up and cloud the eye’s lens. You may experience blurry or tunnel vision, halos around lights, and other disabling side effects. Cataracts can be removed with surgery; still, it’s best to reduce your chances now by quitting smoking.

2. Optic Nerve Damage

eye-doctor-lieblong-eye-clinicSmoking contributes to optic nerve inflammation. Over time, this side effect can lead to nerve damage that impacts how the eyes process images with the brain. The results can be decreased vision and even blindness. This condition can also cause chronic eye pain.

3. Macular Degeneration

Research suggests that smoking is also tied to macular degeneration—one of the most serious eye diseases. People who smoke a pack of cigarettes or more each day double their chances of developing this condition. Macular degeneration occurs when the membrane in the retina deteriorates, and smoking speeds up this process. See your eye doctor now for testing and advice on quitting smoking.


If you’re overdue for a trip to the eye doctor, contact Lieblong Eye Clinic. This Russellville, AR, practice serves the River Valley, offering a wide scope of treatment and corrective services. Dr. Jim Lieblong has served patients since 1979 and can help you manage and overcome eye diseases and other vision issues. They offer contact lenses, glasses, and many other corrective solutions. Call (479) 968-2020 to schedule an eye exam and visit their website to learn more about the practice.
