
If you’re looking for ways to beautify your home interior and make rooms feel more open, consider decorating with mirrors. They’ll also add more light to your space and give smaller areas more depth. Below are a handful of helpful do’s and don’ts on how to use them in your home. 


Pay attention to reflections. 

In addition to selecting the appropriate size and location for your mirrors, you should pay attention to what they reflect. You don’t want them to showcase unsightly aspects of your home, such as an air conditioning unit or cluttered bookcase. Your mirrors should reflect the cleanest and most aesthetically pleasing features of your home interior. 

Choose focal points.

Decorative mirrors can quickly become the focal point of a room. Antique floor or accent wall mirrors are stunning and can double as functional artwork, especially when you place them in areas where the eye automatically wants to focus. 


Forget small spaces.mirrors

The smaller areas of your home will benefit the most from mirrors. Use large varieties to widen narrow staircases and hallways, and include wall-to-wall mirrors in more compact dining rooms or studies to give the illusion of greater depth and spaciousness.

Neglect feng shui.

Mirrors should enhance the energy of your home, not detract from it. According to ancient feng shui, you should avoid putting them in your bedrooms, since they may make the space feel sorrowful. Keep in mind that glass is considered a water element, so putting it over your fireplace will balance the energy.


When you’re ready to decorate your home with mirrors, get in touch with Aladdin's Glass & Screen Products, Inc.. For over 25 years, they have provided custom cut glass for patio rooms, shower enclosures, and storefront windows to clients throughout Nicholasville, KY. Call (859) 887-4070 to place an order for residential or commercial glass, and visit them online for more information about their services.
