
As summer transitions to fall, many homeowners turn on furnaces to combat the cooler temperatures. If it has been a while since an HVAC contractor serviced your equipment, it will need extra care at the start of the season. This will eliminate inefficiencies that could drain energy and compromise interior comfort later. For a better understanding of equipment needs, follow the checklist below. 

3 HVAC Upkeep Tasks for Your Fall To-Do List

1. Change Air Filter

Furnaces and central air conditioners often share the same air filter. All the grime sucked into the system during summer cooling could affect heating performance in the fall. A clogged, dirty filter restricts airflow, causing components to overheat and increasing the risk of a breakdown. Change the filter at the start of the season and check it once a month after. To maintain interior air quality, replace the device at least every three months. Newer products have electrostatic charges, which trap more particles than traditional devices. 

2. Schedule a System Check

Bolivar-Missouri-HVAC-contractorForgoing professional preventive maintenance could void the equipment warranty, which means you’d have to pay out of pocket for future furnace repairs. To keep the agreement intact, reach out to an HVAC contractor for a tuneup. They will check the thermostat’s temperature settings and battery, clear drain lines, and provide additional upkeep and repairs to ensure equipment can meet the demands of heating your home.

3. Check Boiler for Leaks

If you use radiated heat to warm the interiors, inspect the boiler for any signs of wear. Look for punctures and dents in equipment or puddles of water on the floor. If the burner emits a yellow flame instead of blue, it means fuel is not burning as it should. These problems could be irreversible, so it’s good to find out early in the season whether an HVAC contractor should install a new unit. 


For heating system repairs to maximize your home’s comfort and efficiency this fall, contact the HVAC contractors at April's Country Air Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. Serving Polk County, MO, for over 20 years, they will pinpoint and diagnose any cause for concern and provide effective HVAC repairs to eliminate the problem. To schedule a service appointment in western or central Missouri, call (417) 326-2771. Learn more about the team’s qualifications online.
