
Anyone who owns property where lower-level flooding is common should own a sump pump. This includes homes and businesses in areas with excessive rainfall, near a floodplain, or with a high water table. The sump pump is the piece of the commercial or residential plumbing system that forces extra water away from the structure to prevent flooding and costly water damage. If you have one, here’s why you should have a battery backup.

Why Commercial & Residential Plumbing Sump Pumps Fail

If a sump pump breaks down, water leaks throughout the lower levels of the building and leads to a variety of problems; unfortunately, there are many reasons this can happen. Since the pump needs electricity to operate efficiently, the most common reason is power loss, particularly during powerful storms. Other issues include installing a pump that is the wrong size—forcing it to overwork and possibly break down—and failing to replace one that has gotten too old. Switch problems are also common. If the pump shifts from its original position, the float that controls the on-off operation becomes ineffective.

How a Battery Backup Helps With Commercial & Residential Plumbing

Residential PlumbingBacking up the sump pump with a battery-powered system is particularly helpful for aging systems and in areas prone to power outages. If the property loses power during a severe storm, the backup energy source can keep the sump pump in operation, removing water buildup and helping you avoid the assistance of an emergency plumber. When the device recognizes that the primary power source is no longer viable, much like a generator for a home, the battery kicks on and keeps the sump pumping.

A battery backup also helps restart an older machine more quickly when it experiences technical issues by providing an additional source of power. With these benefits, it will protect your property from sump pump failure regardless of the conditions.


If your commercial or residential plumbing system relies on a sump pump, contact the experts at Reader Plumbing & Septic in Kaukauna, WI. With over 40 years of plumbing experience, their highly trained team of plumbers provides a variety of plumbing repairs and installations. They will work with you to find the perfect backup solution for your property’s needs, providing fast and reliable installations to protect from expensive water damage. Schedule a consultation by calling (920) 788-2527, or learn more about their services online.
