
As a new parent, your baby may respond well to pacifiers as a way to soothe themselves between feedings. Dentists often field questions regarding the impact of pacifiers on pediatric dental development. If you have questions about how this device can affect your little one’s oral health, here’s some helpful information to review. 

Understanding the Connection Between Pacifiers & Pediatric Dental Health

How Do Pacifiers Affect Dental Development?

Using a pacifier, much like thumb sucking, can negatively impact oral development. The on-going sucking sensation alters the roof of the mouth. Children that use pacifiers daily for years are more likely to alter their palate development and tooth alignment.

When Do Pediatric Dental Experts Recommend Eliminating Pacifiers?

Pediatric DentalDentists and physicians encourage parents to wean children off of pacifiers between the ages of two to three years old. Children should start seeing a dentist when their first baby tooth erupts. Through proper evaluation with your dentist, you’ll have a clearer picture of whether pacifier use is negatively impacting development. 

What’s the Best Way to Wean a Child Off Pacifiers?

Every child is different, and weaning techniques can vary. Parents willing to deal with a few tantrums might have success simply eliminating a pacifier cold turkey. Others slowly ease a child off of this device by only offering it at naptime and bedtime.

Replacing a pacifier with another item, such as a stuffed animal or security blanket, can also help. Positive encouragement in the form of praise and rewards can yield positive results as well. There are also children’s books you can read to your little one about saying goodbye to the pacifier. 


If you’re a parent looking for a top-notch pediatric dental clinic that specializes in promoting healthy oral habits at every life stage, Milford Dental is the place for you. This full-service practice, led by Dr. Johnson, has been serving residents throughout Clermont and Hamilton County, OH, for over 40 years. Call today at (513) 575-9600 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website for more information on their services and commitment to friendly, effective care. 
