
Creating a successful business requires building a skilled team. To do so, many business owners reach outside the local talent pool and hire remote employees that fit their needs. While this situation provides many benefits, there are also a few hurdles that must be overcome. From audio conferencing to goal setting, overcome the challenges of running a remote workforce with these three tips. 

3 Tips for Managing Remote Employees

1. Be Clear About Your Expectations

Employees can't reach their goals if they don't know what they are, so you need to define them in advance. Create a list of short- and long-term expectations with due dates for each remote staff member so that they know exactly what they need to accomplish and the allotted time frame. If any changes occur, be sure to make each relevant team member aware of it as soon as possible. 

2. Encourage Regular Engagement

audio conferencingCommunication is key to building team rapport and keeping everyone on task, so it's important to hold regular group meetings throughout the work week. Since remote employees aren't able to meet face-to-face, utilize audio conferencing to get everyone involved. Such services allow remote team members to easily call in and access the specific on-site conference room utilizing a unique key code. 

One-on-one meetings between employees and management are also a necessity because they create a safe place for individuals to share thoughts and grievances away from the team. For these get-togethers, opt for video conferencing so that you can easily read body language. Such a quality allows you to identify potential issues based on visual cues, which makes it easier to encourage them to expand and address their thoughts on the matter at hand. 

3. Utilize Inclusive Tools

Collaboration between team members should also extend outside of scheduled settings, so make impromptu interactions convenient. This is particularly vital when it comes to brainstorming ideas. There are plenty of digital tools on the market that make this process a breeze, like cloud-based documents and online whiteboards. These applications ensure that everyone on your team, regardless of location, receives the same opportunities to meet their potential. 



Set your remote workers up for success with the help of 1stPoint Communications. Based in Atlantic City, NJ, the telecommunications company offers a variety of business services nationwide. From web hosting to voice and video technology, their skilled team works one-on-one with clients to create personalized communications solutions. Learn more about their audio conferencing services online, and request more information about your options by calling (212) 884-4400.
