
Teaching your new puppy to relieve themselves outside, and not in the house is an important part of early pet care. Yet, house-training can be a new and challenging experience, especially for first-time dog owners. Luckily, using a few simple strategies can make the process easier for both you and your new pup. Here are some of the most effective practices for housebreaking a new puppy.

5 Strategies to House-Train Your Puppy

1. Use the Crate

Crate training is a useful house-training strategy, as dogs are less likely to make a mess in the confined environment. Keeping your pup crated while you’re not home will, therefore, help to prevent accidents throughout the house. It’s also a good pet care strategy for puppies overall, as it will keep them away from cords, trash cans, and other temping items to chew and spill.

2. Stay on Schedule

pet care

Most puppies simply have small bladders, so taking them out after frequently is essential to minimizing accidents. Young puppies should be taken out first thing in the morning and late at night, and after being in the crate. They may also need to go after taking a nap, eating, or drinking. If you can’t be home to let them out this frequently, hire a dog walker.

3. Train Them to Use a Cue

If you stay on a regular schedule, you should be able to get your pup out when they need to go. Yet, they may still need to relieve themselves in between, so try to teach them how to alert you of a need to go out. Some dogs naturally get the hang of it by sitting at the door and barking. Or, you may try to place a bell on a string near the door. You can find these at most pet care stores.

4. Return to Their Potty Spot

Most puppies establish a preferred spot for doing their business when you first get them, so when you bring them home, walk them around the block, your yard, or whatever route you’ll take them on regularly. After they go in the same spot a couple of times, continue returning to that location during future potty walks. Give your dog a few seconds to find an exact spot they’re comfortable with before moving them along.

5. Praise for Good Behavior

An essential aspect of training is providing praise every time your pup does their business outside. Positive reinforcement is more effective than punishing an animal for making a mistake. Verbal praise is often enough to let your dog know they’ve done an excellent job, but you might also consider rewarding them with treats.


While housebreaking is important to puppy training, it’s only one aspect of pet care. To ensure your pup grows strong and healthy, you’ll also need to bring them to the veterinarian’s office for regular checkups and vaccinations. At Animal Hospital of New Albany in Franklin County, OH, pets have access to a broad range of services, including routine exams, boarding, grooming, and emergency care. Their staff will help you care for your new family member from the moment they enter your life. Browse through their comprehensive services online, or call (614) 855-9643 to schedule an appointment.
