
When it comes to self care, bath bombs are usually very popular products. From soothing bubbles to pleasant scents, there’s really no better way to relax and unwind after a long day at school or the office. If you’ve ever wondered how bath bombs work, there’s actually some interesting science involved, which you’ll learn more about in the following guide.

How Do Bath Bombs Work?

Active Ingredients

One of the key ingredients in bath bombs is sodium bicarbonate, more commonly known as baking soda. The second most important ingredient in bath bombs is citric or tartaric acid, which lowers and neutralizes the overall pH. This prevents your skin from becoming damaged or vulnerable to bacteria. 

Chemical Reaction

bath bombsSodium bicarbonate and citric acid remain stable until they hit the water. Once you toss a bath bomb into the tub, the water dissolves the acid and baking soda, causing them to produce carbon dioxide gas, which is why you’ll notice lots of tiny bubbles. This is similar to the volcano lava effect you might have seen in science class as a kid. 

How to Use Them Effectively

Bath bombs don’t always have the longest shelf life, so use them within a few months after purchasing them. Over time, they absorb moisture from the air, which causes them to release carbon dioxide gas before you put them in the tub. As a result, you won’t notice as much of a fizzy effect when you use them. Store them in a cool, dry place. 


When you need bath bombs for gifts or simply want to relax, make Taste of Texas Candles and Things your one-stop-shop. They offer sugar scrubs, scented lotions, artisan soaps, and soy candles to clients throughout San Antonio. Call (210) 776-7239 to ask about bath bomb fragrances in stock, and visit them online to browse through their virtual gift shop. 
