
A key part of maintaining a healthy smile is watching what you eat. Several foods and drinks can cause deep stains that require professional teeth whitening to resolve. Being mindful of your diet and brushing and flossing will ensure you enjoy a bright, vibrant smile.

Stain-Causing Foods & Drinks

1. Berries

Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and berry drinks all leave behind sticky, dark juices. These often sit on your teeth for some time and will gradually cause stains. The best way to reap all their nutritional benefits without staining your teeth is to rinse your mouth with water after enjoying them. Be wary of drinks with artificial fruit flavorings as well—they often have similar effects.

2. Coffee & Tea

professional-teeth-whitening-richmond-hillCoffee and tea are an essential part of many people’s morning routines. Unfortunately, they’re a leading cause of tooth stains. Tea contains tannins, which are also found in wine. These sink into porous tooth enamel and leave dark, discoloration behind. Coffee has a similar effect since it’s so dark. Try drinking each through a straw and adding milk to better prevent stains.

3. Curries & Tomato Sauces

Pasta and curry sauces have rich color profiles that, unfortunately, cause tooth stains. These pigments sink into the enamel, and once inside, will require professional teeth whitening to completely resolve. You don’t have to give them up altogether; just make sure you brush and rinse your mouth after enjoying your favorite dish.


If you’re interested in exploring professional teeth whitening, turn to Richmond Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. This Richmond Hill, GA, adult and kids dentistry practice offers a wide scope of services ranging from general care to cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics. They use professional teeth whitening and corrective care to achieve lasting results, so call (912) 756-3880 to schedule an exam. You can visit their website to learn more about the practice.
