
Many individuals around the United States have celiac disease, which is a disorder that damages the small intestine when you eat foods with gluten. In addition to digestive discomfort, headaches and joint pain are also associated with the illness. To put an end to painful cramps, find headache relief, and manage pain, below are a few holistic treatment options to calm celiac disease at home.   

How to Calm Celiac Disease Symptoms With Holistic Treatments 

1. Eat Foods With Omega-3 Fatty Acids

If you have celiac disease, you must avoid consuming products with gluten. When eating foods with gluten, including wheat, rye, and barley, the immune system attacks the small intestine. The tissue becomes inflamed as a result. To reduce inflammation, eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including fish, seeds, and walnuts. You can also take fish oil supplements to increase your intake of the fatty acids.

2. Drink Ginger Tea

headache reliefYou might immediately experience nausea and abdominal cramps after eating food with gluten. To settle your stomach, drink ginger tea. This warm beverage contains properties that aid in digestion and combat nausea. The naturally-occurring oil, called gingerols, can fight intestine inflammation and reduce pain for headache relief. 

3. Conduct a Pantry Purge

From ketchup to soy sauce and ice cream, there are numerous foods that contain gluten. Go through your pantry and check the labels on each box and package. Throw out or give away foods that contain gluten ingredients, including wheat starch and flour made from rye, barley, spelt, or triticale. Replace these foods with fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat for a gluten-free diet.


For pain relief to stop celiac disease from impacting your quality of life, contact the professionals at Smith Chiropractic Clinic in Concord, NC. Serving patients since 1978, the chiropractor offers functional medicine services to treat celiac disease and other illnesses that affect the immune system. He also provides chiropractic adjustments to manage neck and back pain. To schedule a consultation, call (704) 788-3126. Visit the chiropractic clinic online to download new patient forms. Become a Facebook follower for tips on more holistic treatment options.
