
In the aftermath of a mastectomy, many people may elect to undergo breast reconstruction. One of the phases of this process is areola restoration. Through this process, the breast is reconstructed to resemble its original appearance. If you’re interested in learning more, here’s what you should know.

Your Questions About Areola Restoration Answered

What happens during the procedure?

Your surgeon will make every effort to replicate the appearance of your original breast by taking into account the shape, size, color, and position of your natural nipple and areola. Medical professionals often use tissue from the newly constructed breast for this procedure. In lieu of actual reconstruction, some patients opt for areola restoration instead. By implanting a pigment in an appropriate shade, a professional can recreate the appearance of the original breast using only colors to create a three-dimensional, genuine look.

How long does it take?

Kaneohe, HI areola restorationAlthough it can vary by patient, the average restoration should last no longer than two hours or so. Your doctor will advise you about any changes that could occur during the process that could make the procedure run longer than expected. A considerable amount of time is spent choosing the appropriate color, taking measurements, and creating a rendering before the actual procedure begins.

What are the side effects?

As with any type of procedure, there is a chance that you may experience minimal swelling, redness, or discomfort on the day of the procedure. In the days following, your skin may continue to appear red as it heals. It will likely also peel during this period, but your sensitivity and discomfort should dissipate. While the color may appear dark at this stage, it will lighten to your desired shade as the skin heals.

How long will it last?

How long your restoration remains depends on your lifestyle. If you swim often, the exposure to chlorine may cause the color to fade faster. Tanning may have a similar effect. However, you can always visit your permanent makeup artist to have it darkened again if necessary. At this stage, they will simply deepen the shade to refresh its appearance.


You can trust in the professionals at Modern Micropigmentation in Kaneohe, HI, to assist you as you explore the possibilities of areola restoration. These certified permanent makeup experts have extensive experience recreating the appearance of original nipples and areolas, using only top-of-the-line equipment. To find out more about this and other services, including medical and hair restoration, visit them online, or call (808) 781-7667.
