
Sometimes you can shoo away a harmless outdoor animal from your yard, but when it comes to skunks, that's a job for animal control. If you're not careful, the skunk may spray, leaving a stench that can linger for up to three weeks. To avoid this problem, follow these rules to handle a skunk while you wait for your pest control company to arrive.


Back away slowly and quietly.

Some animals will retreat if you shout and make yourself look large. A skunk usually will not. Instead, it'll feel threatened by you and spray a foul scent from their glands. Don't try to scare it or make any sudden movements. Leave the furry creature alone and get out of the range of its spray, which is 10 feet at minimum.

Watch for warning signs.

A skunk would prefer not to spray. Before it does, it will usually display warning behaviors that will tell you that you're scaring or annoying it, giving you a chance to stop what you're doing. These behaviors include stomping its feet, squealing or hissing, raising its tail, moving toward you, and sometimes standing on its back legs.


Let pets outside until animal control has left.

Animal ControlYour dog or cat doesn't know that a skunk can spray. All they know is that there's an unfamiliar animal in their territory. If you let your pet out, they'll likely aggravate the skunk and cause it to spray, and you'll have to deal with the smell in your yard and on your pet. Even if your pet is usually an outdoor animal, bring them inside until the skunk is gone.

Attract more skunks.

Once your unwanted visitor has left, go through the yard to figure out why it was there. Skunks like to nest in sheltered areas like a gap under a porch, so check whether you have any spaces like this and seal them off if you can. Also, make sure your garbage cans are secure and that you're not keeping edible garbage where skunks can reach it.


If you need animal control for skunks, or if your home needs an exterminator to get rid of ants, mice, termites, and other bugs, turn to Moore Pest Control. Based in Hughes Springs, TX, they serve Cass and Morris counties with cutting-edge treatment systems that are efficient and reliable. To find out what tailored solution they can offer for your specific pest problem, call (903) 639-2884 or visit their website.
