
At first glance, raccoons may look harmless and adorable. Pest removal companies that specialize in wildlife control, however, would be quick to dissuade you of that impression. Raccoons are dangerous to your landscape, your home, and your family. Here’s what pest control experts want you to know about raccoons. 

Understanding Raccoons & Wildlife Control

Do Raccoons Make Good Pets?

Wildlife ControlRaccoons have yet to be domesticated. They’re destructive, will eat almost anything, are prone to biting, and urinate wherever they please. They often carry dangerous infections and rabies, making them a safety hazard for your family and pets. In addition, raccoons are nocturnal. When you’re ready to sleep, raccoons will be active. Finding a veterinarian with experience in treating raccoons will also be difficult and expensive. 

How Can You Prevent Raccoons From Nesting on Your Property?

Instead of encouraging raccoons to nest, wildlife control companies recommend taking precautions to bar them. Keep your yard and landscaping tidy to prevent their hiding in tall grasses or bushes. Seal trash cans with sturdy lids to deny raccoons access to a quick a meal. If you have pets, bring water and food bowls inside before the sun goes down. If you do see a raccoon in your yard, call a wildlife control company for assistance. By working with a professional, you’ll avoid injury.


If a raccoon is causing trouble and making a mess of your landscape, 24-7 Animal & Pest Control is ready to help. With over 14 years of experience serving both residents and business owners in the Greater St. Louis, MO, area, you can depend on these exterminators for efficient wildlife control and pest removal. Call (314) 236-7378 today to discuss your needs. For more information about this humane pest control company and the five-star rating they’ve earned from loyal customers, visit their website.
