
As a child, you probably learned that water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. However, that doesn’t mean the water running through your plumbing system is that simple. If it contains other minerals, it is hard water, which requires a professional well water treatment to reverse. Use the following list of warning signs to determine whether or not you have hard water.

How to Tell You Need Well Water Treatment for Hard Water

1. Foggy Shower Enclosure

Your expensive glass shower enclosure can become opaque over time if you have hard water, making a modern bathroom look dingy. If that foggy film on the shower doors becomes increasingly difficult to remove, you probably have hard water. This residue is soap scum, which develops when shampoo and body wash mix with the minerals in your water supply.

2. Dry Hands or Skin

well water treatmentIf you have hard water, you’re exposing your hands to harsh, dehydrating minerals like magnesium and calcium every time you wash them in the bathroom. Over time, the skin on your hands may start to feel dry and itchy, and you might even develop a rash. Some people even notice a general dryness throughout their body, as well as in their hair, which comes from showering in hard water.

3. Plumbing Issues

Hard water can also affect the system through which it runs — your pipes and plumbing fixtures. After you shut off the faucet, the tiny bit of water still coating the inside of the piping evaporates, leaving a crust of minerals behind. As layers of minerals accumulate on top of one another, your pipes become smaller, lowering the water pressure and increasing the frequency of clogs.


If you’re tired of dealing with hard water, contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing for well water treatment. This Chardon, OH, plumbing company will use water softening equipment to purify your drinking and bathing supply. They also offer 24-hour emergency services so that you can get immediate help for leaks. For more information on their services, including well water treatment, visit the website or call (440) 286-6002 today.
