
If you’re in dental assistant school, you know that an important part of your new profession will be helping patients develop a lifetime of good oral hygiene practices. One of the best ways to build these long-lasting habits is to teach people about oral care when they’re young. However, since children can have a tough time grasping the complexities of dental health, it’s not always easy to teach these lessons. Fortunately, if you keep the following tips in mind, you can help young patients develop the behaviors they need to enjoy healthy teeth and gums well into adulthood.

How to Teach Kids to Care for Their Smiles

1. Motivate Parents to Be Good Role Models

When families come in for a check-up for their child, encourage parents to brush and floss together with their young ones. For many children, this shared experience can make oral hygiene fun and help them look forward to the experience. By seeing their parents clean their teeth and gums, they will also be more likely to adopt positive behaviors.

2. Practice Technique in the Office

dental assistant schoolChildren sometimes forget to brush and floss the out-of-sight areas. During appointments, utilize your training from dental assistant school, and use models of teeth and gums to visualize proper cleaning techniques. Next, have the child demonstrate these behaviors to test out what they’ve learned.

3. Recommend Better Brushes

During a child’s appointment, ask about the toothbrush they use. Many kids will be able to clean their smile better by upgrading to a better option. For example, recommend using an electric brush to help address issues with motion and grip. Colorful products that are decorated with popular cartoon characters will also help young patients personalize their routine, increasing their interest in oral care.

4. Use Smile-Friendly Stories  

Build a library of children’s books about dentistry. Patients and their parents can read these fun, yet educational, stories when they wait in the dental office. You might even provide free copies to kids so they’ll have something to read when they go home.

5. Schedule Follow-Up Appointments

One important lesson you’ll learn in dental assistant school is that regular oral exams and cleanings are recommended at least once every six months, even for kids. To help families stay on top of this, always schedule follow-up appointments when a child is done with their visit.


Whether you’re aiming to work in a pediatric practice or a specialty clinic, Westchester School for Dental Assistants offers the extensive training you need to jumpstart your career. This Elmsford, NY, dental assistant school offers a 600-hour training program that will guide you from the classroom to the work environment. This institution will provide job placement assistance to get you off on the right foot. Visit this school online or call (914) 682-9001 for more details on their dental assistant training. 
