
There are numerous reasons for a water well to provide your home with a decreasing amount of water. Overpumping could be the cause, as could incorrect pump placement, or well scale buildup. While you should schedule a well inspection to determine the exact cause, these are four solutions to keep your water flowing.

4 Ways to Deal With a Low Water Well

1. Conserve Water

Be aware of how much water your family uses every week to avoid putting extra strain on your water well. Avoid running too many major appliances in the same day, such as doing several loads of laundry and operating the dishwasher more than once. Get your plumbing system checked for leaks and repaired as needed to avoid water-wasting leaks, and take showers instead of baths. Try to limit shower time to under 10 minutes. 

2. Clean the Well

water wellSchedule professional well system cleaning that eliminates bacteria and mineral buildup from the well. Both of these issues restrict water flow. Bacteria is particularly dangerous since it can contaminate the water before it enters your home.

3. Drill a Deeper Well

Increase the depth of your water well if the problem is aquifer-related and the well is to shallow to Hydro Frac. Hydrofracturing, also known as hydrofracking, flushes the blockages out to allow more water to flow into the well. 

4. Install a Static Storage Tank

Installing a static storage tank may be an option. A static storage tank can either go inside of the house or can be buried in the ground to prevent freezing. Water is pumped from the well into the tank and controlled by floats or probes. A booster pump then pumps water from the tank to the fixtures in the house. 



Work with the well contractors at Henderson Well & Pump Co. to enjoy a more efficient water source. Specializing in water well inspections, cleanings, repairs, and hydrofracking, this business in Vernon, NJ, has served the tri-state area since 1956. Call (973) 764-7240 today to schedule an inspection or learn more about their services online.
