
Discovering your child has a dental issue can be alarming. Yet, in many cases, these issues are not only fairly common but also easily addressed with the help of a pediatric dentistry expert. Although it’s important to begin caring for your little one’s teeth as soon as they erupt, don’t dismay if you encounter the following issues at some point throughout their childhood.

4 Pediatric Dentistry Problems Commonly Seen in Children

1. Teeth Grinding

While it may seem innocent, teeth grinding at any age can lead to dental erosion. Over time, the pressure will cause enamel to wear away, leaving teeth more vulnerable to sensitivities and decay. If your child grinds their teeth, addressing any underlying stressors or using a custom-fit mouthguard may help.

2. Tooth Decay

pediatric dentistryMore than 15% of children ages 5 through 19 have an untreated cavity. In addition to minimizing foods with added sugars and encouraging regular brushing and flossing, parents should ensure their child sees the dentist biannually. Dentists can address cavities before they’re even noticeable, which can help prevent the need for more invasive procedures later on and minimize the spread of decay. 

3. Early Gum Disease

Although gum disease is more commonly seen in adults, it can happen in children as well. Characterized by bleeding, swollen, red, or otherwise irritated gums, it’s essential to address gum disease before it progresses into the more serious periodontitis. Left untreated, periodontitis could lead to body-wide inflammation, as well as tooth and gum loss.  

4. Dental Injuries

If teeth come loose or are knocked out due to injury, consult a dentist as soon as possible. Even loose or lost primary teeth may require the use of a spacer, which will leave room in the mouth for a new adult tooth to emerge. In the case of a lost or loose permanent tooth, the dentist may need to perform a restoration.


Whether your child is due for a cleaning and exam or experiencing one of the dental issues above, turn to the office of Bert E. Bathiany IV, DMD, in Campbell County, KY. Having served the community since 1980, this welcoming pediatric dentistry office makes oral care stress-free and fun for children. Their team provides a broad range of services, including preventive care. Learn more about their approach to helping your child maintain a healthy smile by visiting their website, or call (859) 525-2100 to schedule an appointment.
