
Adding a pet to your family is one of the best decisions you can make, but it’s no surprise that a new dog or cat requires changes in your lifestyle. Suddenly, you have a new furry friend that relies on you for food and exercise. Did you know that pets also affect your HVAC system? The guide below explains how and offers tips for adjusting your heating system and AC to the addition of a pet.

How Do Pets Impact Your HVAC System?

Unless your new pet is a hairless breed or sheds very little, your HVAC system may struggle to keep up with the influx of hair and dander. Filters become clogged, reducing overall efficiency and putting extra strain on your HVAC system. If you have a dog that you let outside, they may also mark their territory on the AC condenser, which causes the coils to corrode and rust.

What Changes Should You Make?

To keep your HVAC systemheating system running smoothly, you should change the filter more often, up to once a month depending on how much your pet sheds. You can also reduce the amount of hair entering the system by regularly grooming and bathing your pet. To go the extra mile in removing allergens, consider buying a standalone air purifier. You should also put a barrier around your condenser if your dog is marking it, making sure there’s enough room for proper ventilation.

You may also need to change your thermostat habits to accommodate your pet. If your home is empty during the day, conventional wisdom is that you should set your scheduled thermostat to a setback point, so you aren’t heating or cooling your home while you’re away. However, if your pet has a thick coat, they may need the home cool throughout the day. Likewise, during the winter, short hair pets will need help from the heating system to stay warm.


If you want to tune up your HVAC system before you get a pet, call the experts at Inner City Trades. Based in Somerset, KY, they serve the plumbing and HVAC needs of South-Central Kentucky. Need a drain unclogged? Heating system on the fritz? Need a new AC system installed? They will help when you call (606) 678-9663 for a free estimate. You can also learn more about their services online.
