
PVC roofing was developed during the 1960s and has been a popular material in building construction ever since. It is now widely used by commercial roofing contractors and is chosen for its durability, eco-friendliness, and protection against water leakage. If you are planning a home remodel or an upcoming construction project, be aware of what PVC roofing is and why it’s the best option for the job.

The Properties of PVC Roofing

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is a plastic that’s affordable and durable, and it is used for many different products in a wide range of industries. It is commonly used for roofing and is produced either as shingles or membrane sheets. Shingles are individually installed while sheets can be laid as a singular piece. Commercial roofing contractors tend to use membrane sheets on the flat roofs of commercial and industrial buildings, as they don’t have to account for the slope of traditional roofs. 

The single-ply roofing is made from two PVC layers with polyester in between to reinforce them. Added plasticizers give the material flexibility, and an acrylic coating is added for extra protection and to make the roof reflective. Fiberglass is included to prevent tearing.

The Benefits of PVC Roofing Systems

commercial roofing contractor Lebanon, KYOne significant benefit of PVC roofing is its durability. It can withstand extreme temperatures and is not damaged by adverse weather, such as high winds or hail. It is also highly fire-resistant, which makes it an excellent option for industrial factories that are at a higher risk for fires. Most high-grade PVC roofing systems should last for twenty years or longer. Commercial roofing contractors use hot-air welders to seal PVC roofs, which means they are impermeable to moisture and are useful in avoiding water leakage.

Another advantage of PVC roofs is that they are eco-friendly. The materials used in the roofing can be recycled once they reach the end of their lifespan. They are also solar reflective, which helps to reduce energy use in the building by adding an extra level of insulation. PVC roofing material is walkable, and its durability means that it can withstand heavy foot traffic for many years if it is used as part of a rooftop deck or similar installation.


If you need a commercial roofing contractor or you’d like to learn more about PVC roofing, contact South Central Roofing & Sheet Metal in Lebanon, KY. The company began operating in 1987 and has built a respected reputation among commercial and industrial property owners in Marion County and surrounding areas. Their licensed professionals will take an individualized approach to your project to ensure that all of your needs are met in a way that is efficient and competitively priced. They offer roof replacement, installation, and repair. To inquire about their services or to ask for a quote, visit their website for more information.
