
If you get hurt in an auto accident, you want compensation for your injury and damage, which usually comes from insurance. Under Kentucky’s auto insurance law, drivers must carry liability, or at-fault coverage, as well as no-fault coverage. Here’s what you should know about the distinctions between the two types of coverage and a special provision in Kentucky policies.

Differences Between At-Fault & No-Fault Insurance Laws

How At-Fault Insurance Works

The basis of liability insurance coverage is determining who is at fault in causing a motor vehicle collision. You can seek payment for damages from the insurance company covering the at-fault driver or file a claim with your insurance company. Alternatively, your insurer may pay you, and in exchange, you assign the company your right to recover from the at-fault party. Claims under liability insurance include payments for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and property damage.

No-Fault Insurance Law in Kentucky

Known as personal injuryinsurance law protection (PIP) insurance, no-fault insurance covers lost wages and a wide range of medical expenses after a car accident. Your policy pays you no matter who was at fault in causing the crash. Hospitalization, surgery, prescription medications, or physical therapy are among the covered costs, but PIP coverage does not compensate for pain and suffering.

Kentucky’s Choice No-Fault Status

Kentucky’s insurance law requires drivers to carry minimum liability and PIP coverage. However, Kentucky is one of a few states with a “choice” no-fault law. This provision means you can either accept insurance benefits up to the policy limits or reject them and maintain your right to sue those at fault for your injuries.


You should consult an experienced personal injury and insurance law attorney before deciding whether you should retain and exercise your right to sue for damages after an auto accident. Attorneys at Williams, Hall & Latherow, LLP guide their clients through the decision process and fight for them to receive full compensation for their losses. Founded in Ashland in 2000, this law firm continues its tradition of providing dedicated legal services to injured individuals throughout Boyd County, KY. To request a consultation with one of these skilled lawyers, call (606) 329-1919, or visit their website for more information about their services.
