
Auto insurance for young drivers is often extremely expensive but vitally important. The reason for this is that teenagers are among the riskiest drivers on the road. This is usually due to their inexperience with operating a vehicle and traffic laws. Consult the information below to help teen drivers negotiate public roads more safely. 

Driving Safety Tips for Teens

1. Always Wear a Seat Belt

The seat belt is one of the most effective safety systems ever invented. Seat belt use has been shown to reduce the risk of serious injury in an auto accident by 50% and the risk of death by 45%. This is not only strong advice when you are operating a vehicle but also when you are a front-seat passenger or in the back seat. Additionally, as a driver, you should insist that all passengers buckle up before you put the car in gear.

2. Avoid Distracted Driving

Auto insuranceDriving while distracted is one of the main causes of motor vehicle accidents. The most common reason for distraction is drivers making phone calls or answering texts while behind the wheel. However, you could also become distracted by eating, drinking, changing the radio station, or putting on makeup. Commit to focusing 100% on the road while you are in control of the vehicle, and you will have a much better chance of avoiding an accident that could cause your auto insurance rates to skyrocket.

3. Never Drive While Under the Influence

If you have been drinking or using a controlled substance, it's imperative that you let someone else drive. Even if you don't feel inebriated, a couple of drinks can impair your judgment, slow your reflexes, and blur your vision. Find another ride home or ask someone else to drive your car. It may be inconvenient, but it's far better than getting into a serious accident or receiving jail time.


Part of vehicle safety is maintaining appropriate auto insurance for your car. To discuss a policy with an experienced insurance agent, contact Superior Insurance, with four locations around Raleigh and Durham, NC. In addition to auto insurance, they also specialize in boat, business, motorcycle, renters, and homeowners insurance. Visit them online to find out more information or call (919) 224-8034 to request an insurance quote.
