
Even in a minor fender bender, the shakeup from the impact can cause neck or lower back pain. The discomfort can manifest immediately, or days after the accident, so you shouldn’t wait to seek medical assistance. A trained professional can diagnose and treat the issue to restore your comfort and quality of life. For a better idea of what might be causing the pain, below are some common neck and back injuries associated with car accidents. 

How Your Neck & Back Can Get Hurt in an Auto Accident

1. Whiplash

When the car is rear-ended, the force can cause your neck to snap back then forward quickly. The sudden, jarring movement can damage neck ligaments, muscles, tissues, and nerves as well as bones and disks in the upper spine. The neck is often stiff within 24 hours following the accident, accompanied by painful sensations when trying to move it. In addition to neck pain, it’s also common to experience headaches concentrated at the base of the skull and tingling sensations in the arms and shoulders. 

2. Herniated Disk

lower back painBetween each vertebra is a rubbery cushion known as a disk. Disks hold the spine together, while also serving as shock absorbers and allowing for movement of the spinal column. During a car collision, the impact can knock one or several disks out of position. The misplaced cushions can press against surrounding nerves, causing neck or lower back pain. If the herniated disk is in the lower back, the pain can also extend to the buttocks and legs. If it’s in the neck, you might also experience shooting pains in your shoulders and arms. Discomfort may become worse until treatment is sought. 

3. Spinal Cord Damage

Severe spinal cord injuries can also happen in serious car crashes. This includes damage to any part of the structure and can result in serious impairment of motor function. If the nerve fibers are damaged, you could experience pain along the spinal column. Long-term effects can include loss of strength and sensation. 


If you feel neck or lower back pain following an accident, contact West Chiropractic Clinic in Soldotna, AK. With 38 years of experience, Dr. West is qualified to perform spinal adjustments and massage therapy to restore damaged tissue and take the pressure off of pinched nerves. To schedule an appointment, call (907) 262-9171. Visit the board-certified chiropractor online to see how chiropractic treatment can alleviate your pain.
